Businesses of the world unite! Paper cuts are a thing of the past with Content Services software! Gone are the days of removing those pesky staples and filing everything away in those dinosaurs we call Filing Cabinets. But what does Content Services do for a business? Everything that Content Services software does can be broken down into 6 categories: Capture, Manage, Access, Integrate, Measure and Store, or CMAIMS. Now that’s kind of a mouthful of an acronym so I remember it better by Chocolate Muffins Are In My Stomach. YUM! Who doesn’t love a good carb load? Mmmmm carbs…. Now let’s dig into each muffin, sorry, category a little further.
Capture – Content Services can capture documents or data several different ways to reduce the burden of the dreaded manual indexing. Trust me it’s terrible. This can be accomplished from manually indexing (I know I just said it’s horrible) one primary value and performing a database lookup to retrieve the rest of the information for that document all the way to performing full-text OCR on the document, automatically populating the index fields and enjoying your morning coffee without having to touch your keyboard.
Manage – Content Services allows a business to manage documents and data in one system. This is typically where business workflows are made more efficient. Sick of carrying a stack of invoices over to that smelly guy in the warehouse for him to maybe approve, if he feels like it? With content services those invoices are now digitally sent to his “queue” for approval and he receives a notification to approve them right from his email! Is he still taking too long to approve the invoices? Well, we just automatically sent him an email with his boss copied on the email telling him that he needs to approve the invoice because it has been 2 days since he received it. That will teach him and your nose is saved!
Access – Content Services allows a business to access documents and data in several different ways. Going on an important business trip and need to continue working on the flight? You can check out the documents for offline viewing and then check them back in once you’ve landed. Don’t have access to your computer and are stuck in a boring meeting? You can access documents and workflows right from your phone! But you should probably pay attention to your meeting, your boss keeps staring at you. Content Services allows you to maintain that swanky private jet lifestyle while maintaining the ability to access your documents.
Integrate – Content Services isn’t the only software a business will use, as great as that would be. However, you can (and should) integrate Content Services with your other applications! You are working in your ERP and just hate having more than one window open, double click on an invoice number and all documents associated to that number magically (not really, it’s a lot of programming) appear! You can export data from Content Services software to be uploaded into an ERP or Line of Business application as well. MAGIC! (again, not really magic, but it’s fun to yell. Go ahead try it. Is everyone staring at you now? Weirdo.)
Measure – Content services allows businesses to measure efficiencies as well as perform reporting or auditing. Every document or object in Content Services software has its own personal history log. So now, when Carol keeps indexing a document incorrectly, you have proof of her ineptitude. Game over, Carol! Joking aside, the reporting capabilities of Content Services are virtually limitless and is one of the most under-utilized features of the software.
Store – The final and most obvious thing that Content Services can do is store your documents and data. When documents and data are uploaded to the Content Services software there is granular security that can be established to ensure that only HR folks can view Carol’s documents and only AP folks can view that check that Carol sent to the wrong vendor. Come on Carol, get it together. Documents can also be automatically deleted using a retention policy. So instead of hosting a purge and allowing someone to go in and manually delete documents, the system can be setup to delete documents when they meet certain criteria: such as over 7 years old.
Jeremy Hettinger, App {Team} Software Engineer
(C)hocolate (M)uffins (A)re (I)n (M)y (S)tomach
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