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Phone and Laptop

Connor Konynenbelt, NetSmart Plus

Keep Your Mobile Devices Secure

The average American spends 5.4 hours per day on their phone. From social media to an endless stream of emails, our nations reliance on mobile technology has proven to be the way of the future. But lets be clear – our shift in mobility has posed an unnoticeable threat. Mobile device security is something that tends to be overlooked. Just a few years ago, Verizon Wireless had security breach which exposed information on 14 million customers – some of which was personal data.  This proves that even the largest companies are not immune to security threats.

So what can we do about mobile device security? Has your company implemented any policies and procedures surrounding the issue?

Here are four tips to keep your mobile devices secure:

1. Backup Your Data

This may seem obvious, but this critical tip gets skipped over more than you would think.  Backing up the data on your mobile devices on a regular basis helps keep your information accessible and secure.  After all, the last thing you want to do is run into a situation where you permanently lose access to important files.  A way to keep from overlooking this is to utilize an automated policy that stores data securely.  This way you don’t have to worry about remembering to backup your phone or tablet, and will always have access to your information.

2. Avoid Public Wifi

We all want to stay connected, but when traveling or working remotely, be sure to avoid connecting to public wifi networks.  These types of networks don’t always have accurate security protocols.  Because of this, hackers can easily gain access to sensitive data sent across the public network.  To keep your mobile device secure, make sure these public networks state they are secure.

3. Use Lock Features

This feature on mobile devices is easy to turn off and on, but for security purposes, should always be on.  Technology has come a long way since the numeric password code with security features such as fingerprinting and facial recognition.   has made unlocking devices easier for the mobile owner.  These biometric authentication processes make unlocking devices easier for the mobile owner while increasing the security of your devices and information.  In addition, multi factor authentication policies can add another layer of security.  This method requires two or more separate credentials to gain access to a device.  By implementing these locking practices, companies and individuals should see a decline in security breaches.

4. Encrypt Your Info

Encrypting data ensures an additional level of security is on your mobile devices.  It is also important to encrypt data as it is in transit from one location to another.  This form of mobile security can be as simple as turning on an encryption function under your device setting.  Here is a great article on the importance of encrypting your data and how to enable this measure of security on any device.

We live in a mobile world and keeping information safe is important.  Start implementing these four steps to ensure you are taking proper precaution in keeping your mobile devices secure.

Are you interested in securing your mobile data? Please fill out the form below and let’s get started.


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